51st Annual Utah Quilt Show 

July 19, 2025- September 20, 2025

This juried exhibition features quilts of all styles and sizes created by some of the State’s finest quilters. Presented by the Springville Museum of Art and the Utah Valley Quilt Guild with support from the Corn Wagon Quilt Company.


Online entry form live, Friday May 3oth

Quilts may be brought to the Museum for jurying,  Friday, July 11, 2025, 10:00 am-4:00 pm – 

     Saturday July 12, 2025, 10:00am-4:00pm.

List of accepted quilts posted on www.smofa.org,  Thursday July 17, 2025 by 5 pm 

Opening Reception and Awards Ceremony,   Saturday, July 19, 2025,  10:30am-12:00pm

List of Award Winners Listed on www.smofa.org,   Monday, July 21, 2025

First Quilt Pickup Period,  Tuesday, July 22 2025– Wednesday July 23, 2025, 10:00am-5:00pm 

Second Quilt Pickup Period,   Tuesday, September 23, 2025– Thursday September 25, 2025 10:00am-5:00pm


A list of accepted quilts be posted on www.smofa.org on Thursday, July 17, 2025 by 5 pm. Quilters will not receive notification phone calls; they may call the Museum at 801-489-2727 on July 18 if they are unable to access the website.


Quality in workmanship, design, color, originality, and general appeal will be the principal criteria applied by the selection committee for admission to the show. The same criteria will also be used by the judges. There will be awards for “Best of Show”, “Best Hand Quilting,” as well as many other awards.

Award winners will be contacted directly by Museum Staff or Show Committee members.


This show is open to all current and previous Utah residents. Quilts will be pre-selected by a committee of expert quilters from the following criteria:

1.  Quilts must be made using good construction techniques.

2.  Quilts must be clean.

3.  Quilts must be no longer than 120”.

4.  Quilts must have two layers of fabric with a batting sandwiched in between, with either machine or hand quilting.

5.  Two quilts may be submitted which have not been previously entered into this show and are not more than three years old.

6.  No kits, neither full nor partial.

7.  A label must be sewn on the back bottom of the quilt with name of quilt, name of entrant, and/or who quilted it, and date completed.

8.  A hanging sleeve (see diagram) must be attached to the back of the quilt. We do not want to damage your quilt with tacks. (This sleeve is unique to this show).

Diagram of the hanging sleeve, indicating the top of the quilt, the 2" sleeve, and the raw edge, and where to handstitch across the sleeve

Step 1—Cut a 5” strip of fabric whose length is the width of quilt top, fold it in half, press, draw a pencil line 2” below the fold.

Step 2—Lay top of fold along top of quilt just below the binding, baste with large stitches along the pencil line making sure that the basting stitches do not show on the front of the quilt. No other stitching is required. (Top and ends of hanging sleeve must be loose -- not sewn to the quilt.)

**Quilts not properly prepared for hanging following the eligibility criteria listed will be disqualified.**


Quilts must be brought to the Springville Museum of Art on Friday, July 11, 2025 between 10am and 4pm or Saturday July 12, 2025 between 10am and 4pm. There is a $18.00 non-refundable entry fee per quilt. Quilts must be submitted in disposable plastic bags. Pillowcases/individual carrying cases are discouraged. All paperwork must be filled out online 24 hours before quilts are brought to the Museum. Online entry forms may be accessed at www.smofa.org starting on May 31, 2024. A brief history/statement may be submitted with each quilt. Please limit this history to 100 words or less. This history should be included with the online entry form. If you are having trouble with the online entry process, please call the Museum at 801-491-5715.



The Annual Springville Museum of Art Quilt Show is a juried competition. Quilts are screened by a panel of experts before they are displayed in the show. After the panel qualifies the quilts, they will be displayed and the quilts will be judged for ribbons/awards by qualified judges. Each quilt participating in the exhibition will receive critique feedback from the judges.

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