Utah Women Making History
May 12, 2021 - August 28, 2021
Thanks to generous support from the Utah Division of Arts and Museums, this exhibition of Brooke Smart’s 50 illustrations of Utah women’s advocates, is traveling the state in 2020 as Utahns commemorate the 150th anniversary of Utah women’s first votes in 1870, the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment in 1920, and the 55th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act in 1965. Utah women were at the forefront of the national suffrage movement in many ways, but the fight for women’s voting rights was just one step toward women’s equality.
Utah Woman Making History features Utah artist Brooke Smart’s illustrations of Utah women (and a few men), who worked to advocate for women and advance their communities. For more information, visit utahwomenshistory.org
Exhibition on loan from Utah Arts & Museums Traveling Exhibition Program.
Exhibition Events
June 23, 2021, 6:30pmDarren Parry Lecture on Mae Timbimboo Parry, "Stories that My Grandmother Told Me"
Image: Brooke Smart, Emmeline B. Wells, A Thinking Woman, 2018
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- The Most Noble Subject: The Gail Miller & Kim Wilson Collection
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- Inherit: A Visual Exploration of Land, Connection, and Legacy
- The Fairbanks Family: An American Art Dynasty
- Joe Adams and Brian Kershisnik: 30 Years of Friendship and Art
- 50th Annual Quilt Show
- 52nd Annual Utah High School Art Show
- 38th Annual Spiritual & Religious Art of Utah
- 31st Annual Spiritual & Religious Art of Utah
- 32nd Annual Spiritual & Religious Art of Utah
- 33rd Annual Spiritual & Religious Art of Utah
- 34th Annual Spiritual & Religious Art of Utah
- 35th Annual Spiritual & Religious Art of Utah
- 36th Annual Spiritual & Religious Art of Utah
- 37th Annual Spiritual & Religious Art of Utah
- 43rd Annual Quilt Show
- 44th Annual Quilt Show
- 45th Annual Quilt Show
- 46th Annual Quilt Show
- 47th Annual Quilt Show
- 48th Annual Quilt Show
- 49th Annual Quilt Show
- 45th Annual Utah All-State High School Art Show
- 46th Annual Utah All-State High School Art Show
- 47th Annual Utah High School Art Show
- 48th Annual Utah High School Art Show
- 49th Annual Utah High School Art Show
- 50th Annual Utah High School Art Show
- 51st Annual Utah High School Art Show
- 93rd Annual Spring Salon
- 94th Annual Spring Salon
- 95th Annual Spring Salon
- 31st Annual Christmas Lamb Show
- Spiritual and Religious Youth Art Competition
- Spiritual and Religious Youth Art Competition 2019
- Spiritual and Religious Youth Art Competition
- Spiritual and Religious Youth Art Competition 2020
- Spiritual and Religious Youth Art Competition 2021
- Spiritual and Religious Youth Art Competition 2022
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- American Quilt Series: Explorations in Stained Glass
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- Beginnings: The Mormon Art and Belief Movement
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- Don't Read This, Too
- From Student to Studio
- From the Studio of Arnold Friberg
- George Beard - Mormon Pioneer Artist with a Camera
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- Round Up: Icons of the West
- Russian Stories, Soviet Ideals
- Sacred Spaces: Archetypes and Symbols
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- Sanctuaries of Mind
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- Sketchy: Drawings and Studies from the Permanent Collection
- Soviet Stories: Layers of Reality
- Speaking Volumes: Transforming Hate
- Stitched Together
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- Utah Valley's Iconic Locations
- Utah Women Making History
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