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Timpanogos Storytelling Donald Davis

07:00 PM - 08:00 PM
Join master storyteller Donald Davis for a special performance on Wednesday, December 6 at 7:00 pm. This free performance is a great way to start the holiday season.

Donald Davis is a longtime Timpanogos Storytelling Festival favorite and has performed on some of America’s most prestigious stages including at the Smithsonian, National Storytelling Festival, and World’s Fair. Donald has also appeared on PBS, NPR, CNN, and ABC. He was recently featured on the television show Story Matters, which premiered over the summer on BYU TV.

This special event is a partnership between the Springville Museum of Art and Timpanogos Storytelling. The program is supported by Utah Arts and Museums and the National Endowment for the Arts. The program is recommended for ages six and above.


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