The Most Noble Subject: The Gail Miller and Kim Wilson Collection 

November 15, 2023 - March 16, 2024

The Springville Museum of Art is thrilled to announce its upcoming exhibition "The Most Noble Subject: Artists, Muses, and Inspiration in the Gail Miller and Kim Wilson Collection." This captivating exhibit will grace the Museum's galleries from November 15, 2023, to March 16, 2024, offering a rare opportunity to see this incredible private collection in person.

The exhibition will feature masterpieces of Utah and Danish art including works by historic Utah artists John Hafen, H.L.A. Culmer, Alfred Lambourne, J.T. Harwood, Minerva Teichert, James Christensen, LeConte Stewart, and C.C.A. Christensen that have never before been exhibited publicly. It will also feature works by living and contemporary Utah artists including Al Rounds, Annette Everett, Jeremy Winborg, Bryan Mark Taylor, Gary Ernest Smith, and Nancy Glazier. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experience these works of art in person.

H.L.A “Harry” Culmer painted magnificent scenes of the American West in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. He believed the mountains to be "the most noble subject for an artists' brush." This exhibition will explore what the artists in the exhibition considered their "most noble subject." It will share where they found inspiration and prompt visitors to consider: "what inspires you to create?" 

JT Harwood, Mount Olympus on Corner of 7th East and 13th South

JT Harwood, Mount Olympus on the Corner of 7th East and 13th South 

HLA Culmer, Black Rock 

Herman Herzog, Yosemite Falls

Herman Herzog, Yosemite Falls
